Below is a list of supporters of the Glasgow Defence Campaign. It is crucial that messages of support are sent on to show that political policing will not be tolerated and those under attack are not alone. Please email to show your support and add your name to the list.
John Pilger (journalist and film-maker)
"The police in Britain have begun a political war of intimidation against those who exercise their right to protest peacefully. No where is this more evident than in the outrageous actions of the Strathclyde police against the Glasgow Defence Campaign, including a direct attack on the right of free speech and peaceful assembly. Who will be next? If the police are allowed to succeed, other legitimate campaigns will be targeted. It's imperative the Glasgow Defence Campaign has the support of all of us."
Dr Derek Wall (former Green Party of England and Wales principal speaker)
"I am saddened but not surprised by the repression faced by your campaign. Attacks on those who openly dissent are increasing and only through broad campaigns of solidarity in defence of the right to protest can public space for criticism be maintained. In this spirit I would like to add my voice to your campaign."
Mark Thomas, comedian and political activist
"The current wave in police activity and their attempts to criminalise peaceful protest are profoundly undemocratic and against all principles of human rights. The right to protest is not just a right, it is law. The police should remember it is their duty to uphold the law and protect the right to protest. Good luck to all those involved in peaceful protest against the cuts and corporate tax dodgers. - Mark "
Tommy McKearney, former Irish political prisoner, hunger striker, activist and journalist.
‘There is nothing new about political policing in any part of the UK. As part of the machinery of state, British police forces usually believe that they are entitled to do whatever they feel is necessary to protect their employer. We are so used to this type of policing in Ireland that we almost take it for granted yet it is a huge mistake to concede any ground on this issue. Allowing police decide what is politically acceptable is quite simply toleration for a police state.
Every effort must be made, therefore, to prevent the Strathclyde police getting away with political harassment of activists and we must all offer our wholehearted support to the Glasgow Defence Campaign.’
Peter Mullan (director and actor)
George Galloway
Mike Prysner (ex-soldier and leading US anti-war activist)
David Rovics (US anti-war musician)
Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!
"The timing and character of the arrests this week represent a calculated political attack on Glasgow Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! and therefore on all those opposing the attacks on living standards now underway. They should be condemned by progressive people everywhere. What is at stake is everyone’s right to protest and demonstrate."
"The timing and character of the arrests this week represent a calculated political attack on Glasgow Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! and therefore on all those opposing the attacks on living standards now underway. They should be condemned by progressive people everywhere. What is at stake is everyone’s right to protest and demonstrate."
Defend Dundee Services campaign
The Free Hetherington (Glasgow University occupation)
HSBC 3 Defence Campaign
"Defend Dundee Services condemns the ongoing harassment of anti-cuts protestors by Strathclyde Police, and sends support to those arrested, whose only ‘crime’ has been to campaign against the destruction of our society. These young people set an example for us all, and we are sure that they will be followed by many more – protesting both against the cuts and against the misuse of police powers."
The Free Hetherington (Glasgow University occupation)
HSBC 3 Defence Campaign
Scotland Against Criminalising Communities
Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign
John Brady Society
Variant Magazine